영어로 내생각 말하기
도서명:영어로 내생각 말하기
PART1 Ready
영어로 내 생각 말하기 기초 훈련
1 Structure 말하기의 기본 뼈대 만들기
2 Speaking Patterns 영어 말하기 4가지 공식
3 Useful Expressions 영어 말하기 주요 표현
PART2 Let's Speak
영어로 내 생각 말하기 실천 다이어리
1 Self Introduction 나에 대해 말하기
Day 01 자기소개하기|Please introduce yourself.
Day 02 장점과 단점|What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Day 03 지원동기|Why did you apply to our high school?
Day 04 꿈/장래희망|What is your dream?
Day 05 나의 경쟁력|Why should we accept you?
2 Daily Conversation 일상적인 대화
Day 06 안부 인사|How have you been?
Day 07 음식 추천|What kind of foods would you recommend for foreigners?
Day 08 장소 추천|What places do you recommend foreigners to visit?
Day 09 방학/휴가|What are your vacation plans?
Day 10 좋아하는 연예인/노래|Who is your favorite singer?
Day 11 존경하는 선생님|Who is your favorite teacher at school?
Day 12 영화/책/뮤지컬|What is the best movie you have ever seen?
Day 13 몸매/건강관리 How do you keep in good shape?
Day 14 존경하는 사람|Who hasinfluenced you the most?
Day 15 가장 친한 친구|Who is your best friend?
Day 16 좋아하는 스포츠|What kind of sports do you like?
Day 17 스트레스 해소|How do you manage stress?
3 Discussion/Debate & Presentation
사회적 이슈에 대한 내 의견 말하기
Day 18 성형수술|What fo you think about plastic surgery?
Day 19 수준별 수업|What do you think about dividing classes based on achievement level?
Day 20 의무적 봉사활동|What do you think about compulsory volunteering?
Day 21 유명인의 사생활 노출|Should the private lives of celebrities be revealed?
Day 22 대학 진학의 필요성|Do you think university is essential?
Day 23 인터넷 실명제|What do you think about the Internet real-name system?
Day 24 환경 문제|What can you do to make a greener planet?
Day 25 고령화 사회|What problems does an aging society face?
Day 26 명품 선호|What do you thinl about the problems with Korean's excessive brand-consciousness?
Day 27 저출산|What are the causes and effects of low borth rates in Korea?