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세상에서 가장 재미있는 영어퀴즈쇼. 3 > 영어문법/독해/작문

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    세상에서 가장 재미있는 영어퀴즈쇼. 3


    도서명:세상에서 가장 재미있는 영어퀴즈쇼. 3

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    [필수 문법 업그레이드!]
    동사의 종류|조동사|주어와의 수 일치|시제|능동태, 수동태|가정법|to부정사|동명사|분사|명사와 관사|대명사|형용사와 부사|전치사|접속사|비교급|어순|명사절|형용사절|부사절|도치

    [자연스러운 말하기를 위한 슬랭표현]
    Korean soju really has a kick to it.|I’m on the road three days a week.|I really had a ball at his party.|My ex-boyfriend was such an airhead.|It was a fender-bender.|Get a life!|Word up.|Scoot over.|The Beyonce look is all the rage.|My husband is the apple of my eye.|You’re a little bitchy today.|You can’t change places at the eleventh hour.|No PDA in the hallways!|It was so cheesy.|I don’t smoke weed.|The patient is out of the woods.|Shut your pie hole!|You should see a shrink.|Is
    that a hickey on your neck?|Your sister is all that.|I have to get my forty winks now.|Let’s go out and catch some rays.|I’m outta here.|I got a five-finger discount on this ring.|My boyfriend farts a lot in his sleep.|You look so fly in that suit.|I heart this music.|I saw him in his birthday suit.|They’re having a bash tonight with lots of food.|I got a zit right on the tip of my nose.|It’s no biggie.|The movie was a smash hit.|I’m so psyched about the party.|Jessica only goes out with jocks.|He’s gonna puke.|Stop eyeballing me.|I nuked some popcorn and watched |There’s no booze at this party tonight.|The company will foot the bill.|My boyfriend makes peanuts at his day job.|How do I get rid of these love handles?|Tom and I just vegged out on Friday night.|He stuffed his face with pancakes and syrup.|Who doesn’t want to boogie all night long?|Your new bag is phat!|She’s gonna be my boo.|Don’t try to do a snow job on me.|I’m unfriending you.|Dating your best friend’s girlfriend is a hairy situation.|Yo, chill.|Keep your hair on.|What’s your beef with me?|We need to xerox your passport.|I feel like kicking back with a good movie.|He makes over two hundred grand a year.|I’m afraid she might OD on weight loss pills.|He acts like an ass.|I stepped on dog crap.|I was bushed after two days of late nights.|Let’s hit Burger King.|I totally spaced out.|I think I had one too many.|I just got that ****er to buy me a diamond ring.|He was a total basket case after the accident.|James doesn’t have many friends because he’s so dorky.|I’m going to marry Jim because he’s loaded.|I was stoned that night.|You’re thick as shit. |It took a lot of guts coming in here.|Jack is pigheaded because he leaves no room for compromise.|It’s a drag watching on Christmas eve.|I decked him when he called me an airhead.|I don’t wear sunnies when talking to people.|When I heard the news, I went bonkers. |Why do men love reading dirty magazines?|You should pick a college that fits like a wig. |A bimbo is a woman who is blonde and stupid.|I bought a Beemer when I got a driver’s license.|My old clunker doesn’t start anymore.|It’s a turn-off when a guy is skinner than me.|If he finds out, he’ll go ballistic.

    [시험 및 회화에 활용도 높은 콜로케이션]
    Can you brew me a cup of coffee?|She works as a real estate agent.|Make a right
    at the next light.|Why do you take the subway to work?|Take this medicine and
    get some rest.|Susan is a perfect fit for the position. |It seems like a tall order.
    |This technology is way beyond cutting edge.|Can I take a wild guess?|Can you
    give me up a wake-up call at 7 tomorrow morning?|You always have some lame
    excuse.|Are there any job openings at the library?|I got a flat tire on the highway
    yesterday.|You can take a seat here.|Do you usually work the night shift? |You
    won’t be able to catch the 12:00 flight.|I made a mistake on my tax return.|What
    time did you set the alarm for?|Can you give me a lift to the airport?|She might have developed a disease.|There’s no parking space on the street.|I’ve lost my appetite.|I requested a seat with plenty of leg room.|Is this a motion sickness patch?|How long can you really hold your breath for?|Can I place an order now?|Can I ask you a quick question?|Nobody broke the silence in the room.|Let’s take a lunch break.|My working hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.|We should run a test on the machine tonight.|There’s a price tag on the shirt.|The audience gave him a standing ovation.|Please dial 0 to get an outside line.|Stop making excuses for your Internet marketing failures.|Jack plans to take 4 courses during the semester.|What’s the speed limit on Highway 102?|I’m still suffering from jet lag.|Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?|We‘re going to throw him a farewell party.|That story always gives me goose bumps.|How many times have you received a scholarship?|We’re going to address the issue at the proper time.|When will my visa be issued?|How many of you have student loans to pay off?|They are forecasting heavy rain for the next two days.|This bird is drawing the curiosity of the visitors.|I received a discount on my membership fees.|My father has got a chronic addiction to gambling.|Are you ready to deliver your verdict?|You can’t see the tumor with the naked eye.|Don’t change things without prior notice.|Don’t forget to cast your vote on November 17th.|Do not miss this opportunity to talk to experts.|You should weigh the consequences of ****.|What’s the expiration date of the coupon?|Most writers don’t make a living writing books.|I want you to mow the lawn.|Your name is not on the waiting list.|There’s a generation gap between me and my sister.|Please come to the circulation desk to sign up for a library card.|How much is the delivery charge for online grocery shopping?|Don’t forget to apply moisturizer before going to bed.|Why are you trying to change the subject?|You can’t leave until you reach an agreement.|There will be a major flu epidemic this coming fall.|The committee will hold a meeting at least twice a year.|This is one of the best tourist attractions in Italy.|The residents took the initiative to conserve water. |I hope I didn’t cause you too much inconvenience.|I’m just reading the classified section.|Please tell me what your price range is. |Do you know how to operate this machine?|The bottom line is that I don’t trust you.|If you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.|That’s what I call a shopping spree.|What can help her boost her immune system?|I must say that she’s got great business sense.|I agree that violence should be a last resort.|Please contact me if you have any further questions.|We have solid evidence that he is a con artist.|The literacy rate among males in Nigeria is only 10 percent.|It’s suitable for everyone because it doesn’t have any side effects.

    [ 영어의 질을 높여주는 격언 ]
    A hungry man is not a free man.|People do not lack strength, they lack will.|Speech is silver, silence is golden.|A full belly is the mother of all evil.|Television is chewing gum for the eyes. |Failure is a detour not a dead-end street.|Love makes time pass; time makes love pass.|The real effort never betrays me.|There is always a better way.|Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real. |Envy and wrath shorten your
    life.|In your dreams and love there are no impossibilities.|By doubting we come at
    truth.|Today is the first day of the rest of your life.|Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts
    forever.|A broken hand works, but not a broken heart.|All’s fair in love and war.|
    There’s only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.|Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.|All things are difficult before they are easy.|Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.|Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.| The hardest work is to go idle.|Never let your memories be greater than your past.|Rules were made to be broken. |Treat your friends like family, and your family like friends.|The word “impossible” is not in my dictionary.|Success is never a destination - it is a journey.|The only way to have a friend is to be one.|To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties.|A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.|I find the harder I work, the more luck I have.|The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.|Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18.|Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear.|History is more or less bunk.|Perhaps the worst sin in the life is knowing right and not doing it.|I’d rather die like a man than live like a coward.|Government of the people, by the people, for the people.|He who does not hope to win has already lost.|When you play, play hard ; when you work, don’t play at all.|The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.|Well done is better than well said.|The future depends on what we do in the present.|Every man dies, but not every man lives.|He makes no friend who never made a foe.|A friend in power is a friend lost.|Courage is very important. Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use.|To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.|As long as you’re going to think anyway, think big.|If fate hands you a lemon, try to make lemonade.|Love builds bridges where there are none.|The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.|Better the last smile than the first laughter.|Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.|A smile can open a heart quicker than a key can open a door.|Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. |It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.|Every man’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s finger.|Where there is no vision, the people will perish.|Better to bow than to break.|Act as if it were impossible to fail.|Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
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     ◆반품/교환을 원하는 경우 반드시 고객센터로 연락 후 신청하시기 바랍니다.
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    세상에서 가장 재미 9,900


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