오석태의 1547 생각대로 표현영어
도서명:오석태의 1547 생각대로 표현영어
첫째 마당. Health
one. weight
two. exercise, workout
three. diet, in/out of shape
four. stress, pressure
둘째 마당. Fight & Reject
one. fight
two. argue, beat, win
three. dispute, battle
four. confront, struggle
five. reject, refuse
six. turn down, take a rain check
셋째 마당. Discussion & Tell
one. discuss
two. talk to
three. debate, negotiate
four. inform, reveal
five. let know
네째 마당. Honesty & Wait
one. honest
two. straight, sincere, genuine
three. wait
four. hold on, patient, impatient
five. look forward to
다섯째 마당. Think & Decide
one. think
two. consider, considerate, consideration
three. believe, assume, suppose
four. guess, suspect, doubt
five. decide, decision
six. choose, resolve
여섯째 마당. Handle
one. handle, deal with
two. treat, manage
three. take care of
four. cope, face
일곱째 마당. Stupid & Afraid
one. stupid
two. silly, ridiculous
three. afraid
four. scared
five. nervous
여덟째 마당. Success & Interrupt
one. succeed, success, successful
two. work, work out, work it out
three. interrupt, interruption
four. bother
five. upset
six. disturb, distract
아홉째 마당. Thank
one. thank
two. appreciate
three. grateful
열째 마당. Accept
one. accept
two. agree
three. put up with, tolerate, approve, recognize