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    최강 중학 영작문


    도서명:최강 중학 영작문

    01 주어와 be동사
    01. I am a student. (I am~/ You are ~)
    02. He is a music teacher. (He/She is~ )
    03. This is a new bag. (This/That is ~)
    04. It was a f ine day. (it의 특별용법)
    05. Mr. Kim is an English teacher. (Mr. Kim is ~)
    06. My father is busy. (be동사 + 형용사, 장소)

    02 일반동사
    07. I have a sister. (주어와 일반동사)
    08. Our country has a lot of beautiful mountains. (주어가 3인칭 단수일 때)
    09. Do you know anything about my country? (일반동사 의문문)
    10. I do not have a sister. (일반동사 부정문)

    03 동사의 과거형
    11. She was a tall woman. (be동사의 과거형)
    12. He helped his sick friend all night. (규칙동사의 과거형)
    13. I went there last week. (불규칙동사의 과거형)
    14. Did you do your homework last night? (일반동사의 과거의문문)

    04 명령문
    15. Look at the big cat. (명령문)
    16. Let’s go to the park after school. (Let’s ~ 구문)

    05 진행형
    17. I am listening to music with my friend. (현재진행형/긍정문)
    18. Is she doing her homework? (현재진행형/의문문)
    19. I was listening to music. (과거진행형/긍정문)

    06 There is(are) ~ 구문
    20. There is a map on the wall. (There is(are)~. / 현재형)
    21. There was a lot of places to visit in Seoul. (There was(were)~. / 과거형)
    22. Here is a beautiful rose. (Here is ~)
    23. Is there a picture of birds on the wall? (There is 의문문)

    07 의문사
    24. What did you come here to buy? (의문사 what)
    25. What book did you read last night? (what + 명사)
    26. Who brought these f lowers? (의문사 who)
    27. When will you leave Seoul? (의문사 when)
    28. Where do you want to go? (의문사 where)
    29. How does Fred come to school? (의문사 How)
    30. How many books do you have? (How many~, How much~)
    31. How long will you stay here? (How long~?)
    32. Why do you study history? (의문사 why)

    08 조동사
    33. She can cook Chinese food. (can의 긍정문)
    34. What can we do in the afternoon? (can의 의문문)
    35. She could arrive before long. (조동사 could)
    36. May I use this pencil? (조동사 may)
    37. I must read this book by next week. (조동사 must)
    38. I have to read this book by next week. (have to)

    09 미래를 나타내는 조동사
    39. Gordon will come tomorrow. (will ~ /긍정문)
    40. They are going to eat lunch in the garden. (be going to ~ /긍정문)
    41. What are you going to be? (미래 의문문)

    10 접속사
    42. I like math and music. (등위접속사 and)
    43. She is loved by many students, because she is kind. (종속접속사 because)
    44. When he heard that, he looked very happy. (때를 나타내는 접속사 when)
    45. I hope that you will write to me soon. (접속사 that)
    46. If you are free, let’s go f ishing. (만약 ~라면 if)

    11 부사
    47. You can get on the bus here. (부사의 종류)
    48. My father is always busy. (빈도부사)

    12 전치사
    49. Let’s meet at six o’clock. (시간의 전치사)
    50. There are many buildings in New York. (장소의 전치사)

    13 비교문
    51. Tom is older than I. (비교급 ~er than)
    52. My little brother is as tall as you. (As~as 비교문)
    53. Mother is the busiest in my family. (최상급)
    54. I like summer better than winter. (비교급 better than)

    14 부정사
    55. I want to go shopping with you. (to 부정사의 명사적 용법)
    56. I’m studying English to go to America. (to 부정사의 부사적 용법)
    57. There are a lot of places to visit in Kyungju. (부정사의 형용사적 용법 /~할)
    58. Does she know how to open this box? (의문사+to부정사)
    59. It is good to have a lot of friends. (It is to ~)
    60. I was too tired to read it. (too to~)
    61. We asked her to help us. (그밖의 to 부정사 표현)

    15 동명사
    62. I enjoyed talking with her. (동사의 목적어)
    63. Tom went out without saying good-bye. (전치사의 목적어)

    16 수동태와 분사
    64. The song is loved by young people. (수동태)
    65. The man standing over there is my father. (현재분사)
    66. This is a letter written in English. (과거분사)

    17 현재완료
    67. My sister has been sick since last week. (현재완료 계속 용법)
    68. I have seen this movie before. (현재완료 경험 용법)
    69. My father has just washed the car. (현재완료 완료 용법)

    18 관계대명사
    70. There is a strange bird which can’t fly. (관계대명사의 주격 which)
    71. Gordon will visit his aunt who lives in Chicago. (관계대명사의 주격 who )
    72. I will show you the pen which I bought in America. (관계대명사의 목적격 which, whom)
    73. I came across a man that was tall and slim. (관계대명사 that)
    74. I have a friend whose father is a doctor. (관계대명사의 소유격)

    19 알아두어야 할 숙어표현
    75. Jane is so kind that we like her. (so~that)
    76. I am interested in American sports. (be interested in ~)
    77. He is good at speaking English. (be good at ~ )

    20 숫자표현
    78. Look at the f irst chapter. (기수와 서수)
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