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The Best 리딩 스펙트럼. 1: 인문편


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 종합출판ENG
원산지 국내산
브랜드 종합출판ENG
시중가격 18,000원
판매가격 16,200원
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최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • The Best 리딩 스펙트럼. 1: 인문편


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    The Best 리딩 스펙트럼. 1: 인문편


    도서명:The Best 리딩 스펙트럼. 1: 인문편

    unit 1 Moving to the left |사회주의에 빠진 2030 세대|
    unit 2 A century of violence |폭력의 시대|
    unit 3 What Haiti doesn’t need |부두교|
    unit 4 Doublespeak |더블스피크|
    unit 5 The nation of madness |아수라|
    unit 6 Rumors: society’s cancerous tumors |사람 잡는 루머|
    unit 7 In Seoul, not so hip to be square |광장|
    unit 8 The tedious game of Truth or Lie |진실 게임|
    unit 9 A disturbed blame game |블레임 게임|
    unit 10 ‘Social proofs’ on the Web |인기 검색어|
    unit 11 A wrong battle in a wrong name |거짓된 이름의 싸움|
    unit 12 Give us hope! |피그말리온|
    unit 13 A checkered history |소르본 대학|
    unit 14 Playing with fire |증오와 오만|
    unit 15 In stripes |줄무늬|
    unit 16 Waiting for the cargo |카고 컬트(Cargo-Cult)|
    unit 17 The French confection |프렌치 프라이|
    unit 18 Let’s make a deal |뉴딜|
    unit 19 Address changes |취임사|
    unit 20 Liar, liar |거짓말하는 능력|
    unit 21 Home advantage |텃세|
    unit 22 Lost in translation |오역|
    unit 23 Surviving stress |스트레스|
    unit 24 Sexism and pigs |립스틱|
    unit 25 Civility in war |남과 북|
    unit 26 Werther effect |베르테르 효과|
    unit 27 Fanning fears |도시의 전설|
    unit 28 Hot gossip |가십|
    unit 29 Plainly speaking |말장난|
    unit 30 Fact or fabrication? |팩션|
    unit 31 Diamonds are forever |다이아몬드|
    unit 32 Losing tongues |언어의 사멸|
    unit 33 End to impunity? |관타나모|
    unit 34 Shooting with shoes |신발의 기능|
    unit 35 Are new words meaningful? |신조어|
    unit 36 Cities on the big screen |영화 속 도시|
    unit 37 A sandwiched nation |샌드위치|
    unit 38 Pressure tests |유토리 교육|
    unit 39 Don’t be weak, ineffective |자기 열등화 전략|
    unit 40 War, welfare cost money |의지와 지갑|
    unit 41 Straw-man logic |허수아비 논법|
    unit 42 When ‘smaller is better’ is not |‘축소 지향’ 일본의 그릇된 역사 인식|
    unit 43 Roh’s selective blindness |확증 편향|
    unit 44 First place |퍼스트 레이디|
    unit 45 Taliban’s version |탈레반식 율법|
    unit 46 The Republic of Complex |콤플렉스|
    unit 47 Private thoughts |프라이버시 정치학|
    unit 48 Irrational minds |선택적 지각|
    unit 49 Practical advice |실용주의|
    unit 50 Desert wisdom |사막 건너기|
    unit 51 How accidents shape history |우연과 필연|
    unit 52 The meaning of Korean newspeak |뉴스피크|
    unit 53 Male domination |아는 여자|
    unit 54 Time to face our ancestors |산 자와 죽은 자의 공간|
    unit 55 No pain, no gain on literary road |작가의 각오|
    unit 56 Patching up with former enemies |라이벌|
    unit 57 When the masses silent the wise |집단사고|
    unit 58 Smiling through storms |돈 까밀로|
    unit 59 Romancing royals |유혹하는 여왕|
    unit 60 Why judges wear black |법복|
    unit 61 Beam me up! |집단최면|
    unit 62 Is the law the problem? |법이 문제인가?|
    unit 63 Conspiracies and suspicious minds |****론|
    unit 64 Nobel Prize in Literature |노벨 문학상의 조건|
    unit 65 Sea of opportunity, or an ocean of peril |북극항로|
    unit 66 Glossing over civilian deaths |콜래트럴 데미지|
    unit 67 From Helicopter to Velcro parents |‘찍찍이’ 부모|
    unit 68 Demise of reading, loss of knowledge |독서의 힘|
    unit 69 unit 82 The overlapping dreams |기시의 꿈, 아베의 꿈|
    unit 70 unit 83 Altruism is the key to survival |이타심과 생존|
    unit 71 unit 85 Narcotics strike again |****|
    unit 72 unit 86 Smart, no silver spoon required |부의 대물림|
    unit 73 unit 87 A life, a body, a breakthrough |‘카데바’|
    unit 74 unit 88 Not a curse, but still weighty issue |비만 할증료|
    unit 75 unit 90 Tattoos no longer taboo |문신|
    unit 76 unit 91 Many levels of terror |테러|
    unit 77 unit 92 Superstition ain’t the way |미신|
    unit 78 unit 93 Maternal instincts |부계 불확실성|
    unit 79 unit 94 In sheep’s clothing |철면피|
    unit 80 unit 100 Ghost laws |황당한 법률|
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