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서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례 시리즈 35 > 경영일반

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서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례 시리즈 35


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 우듬지
원산지 국내산
브랜드 우듬지
시중가격 12,000원
판매가격 10,800원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • 서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례 시리즈 35


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    서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례 시리즈 35


    도서명:서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례 시리즈 35

    Case 1 CJ O Shopping Global Strategy Case
    1. TV Home Shopping, the New Retail Industry of the 21st Century
    1) The Beginning of TV Home Shopping Industry
    2) Overseas and Domestic Industry Status
    3) Industry Value Chain
    4) Product Mix of the Industry
    2. CJ O Shopping
    1) The Pioneer of Domestic TV Home Shopping Industry
    2) Stagnation and Crisis in Domestic TV Home Shopping Industry
    3) CJ O Shopping Heads Abroad
    3. The Success and Struggle of CJ O Shopping, GS Home Shopping, Hyundai Home Shopping in China
    1) TV Home Shopping Industry in China
    2) The Success of Dong Fang CJ
    3) The Failure and Re-entrance of Hyundai Home Shopping and GS Home Shopping
    4. The Troubles of Partner Risk and Future Tasks
    * Exhibit
    * 국문대역원고

    Case 2 STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co. : Cross-border M&A of Aker Yards
    1. STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co.
    1) Corporate History
    2) Governance Structure
    3) Business Portfolio and Performance
    2. STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co.’s Adventure into Cruise Ship Building
    1) Construction Market for Cruise Ships
    2) Korean Shipbuilders on the Doorstep
    3. Cross-border M&A of Aker Yards
    1) Aker Yards
    2) M&A Process of Aker Yards
    3) Problems Ahead
    4) STX Europe
    4. An Opportunity or a Poisoned Chalice?
    * Appendix
    * References
    * 국문대역원고

    Case 3 The Myth of Hyundai Motor Company
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. A Brief History of HMC
    1) ‘The Myth of Excel’ vs. ‘Bourmont Nightmare’, 1986~1999
    2) The Resurrection of Hyundai Motor, 1999~Present
    4. What Made HMC’s Resurrection Possible in the Global Recession
    1) The Philosophy of Chung Mong-koo
    2) South Korean Economy Policy to the Automobile Industry
    3) Going Overseas Rapidly
    4) Greenfield Approach
    5) Just In Sequence
    6) Adjusting to the Environment by Launching the Hyundai Assurance Program
    7) The Mechanism of Hyundai Motor
    5. Conclusion : Still A Doubtful Success
    1) Icarus Paradox (Hubris)
    2) Economy Recovery and the Counterattack of the Big 3
    3) The Emerging Competitors Chindia
    * Appendix
    * References

    Case 4 LS C&S and Taihan Electric Wire : A Reversal of Fortunes
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    1) Company Overview and History
    2) Corporate Philosophy
    3) Corporate Governance Structure
    4) Industry Analysis
    3. A Reversal of Fortunes
    1) LS C&S
    2) Taihan Electronic Wire
    4. Conclusion
    * References

    Case 5 Sungchang Corporation : A Centenarian in the History of Korean Forestry
    1. Introduction
    2. Company Overview
    1) Brief Overview of History
    2) Foundation and History
    3) Factors that Contributed to Sungchang’s Longevity
    4) Inheritance of the Founder’s Core Values
    5) Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
    3. Conclusion
    * References

    Case 6 Survival and Failure of Global Retail Firms in South Korea : Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Tesco
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Case Studies on Global Retail Industry Entering the Korean Market
    1) Case of Carrefour
    2) Case of Wal-Mart
    3) Case of Tesco
    4. Conclusion
    * References
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