How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음) > 한국어학습

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How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음) > 한국어학습

How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음) 요약정보 및 구매


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  • How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음)


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    상품 기본설명


    상품 상세설명

    How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음)


    도서명:How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음)

    How to Use This Book
    Chapter 1. The Pronunciation That Korean Learners Struggle with the Most: Consonants
    Lesson 1-1. Can You Tell the Difference Between ㄱ, ㅋ, and ㄲ?
    Lesson 1-2. Are You Playing with a Ball or a Bean?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 2-1. Can You Tell the Difference Between ㄷ, ㅌ, and ㄸ?
    Lesson 2-2. Are You Saying That You Shivered or That You Dusted Yourself Off?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 3-1. Can You Tell the Difference Between ㅂ, ㅍ, and ㅃ?
    Lesson 3-2. Do You Feel Pain in Your Foot or in Your Arm?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 4-1. Can You Tell the Difference Between ㅅ and ㅆ?
    Lesson 4-2. Do You Want Me to Buy It or Wrap It?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 5-1. Can You Tell the Difference Between ㅈ, ㅊ, and ㅉ?
    Lesson 5-2. Are You Asking for My Car or My Ruler?
    Quiz Time
    Chapter 2. The Pronunciation That Korean Learners Struggle with the Most: Vowels
    Lesson 1-1. Can You Pronounce 오 and 어 Differently?
    Lesson 1-2. A Cup of Nosebleed in the Morning?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 2-1. Can You Pronounce 요 and 여 Differently?
    Lesson 2-2. Is It Yoga Time or Free Time?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 3-1. Can You Pronounce 으 and 어 Differently?
    Lesson 3-2. Did You Get It Wrong or Were You Robbed?
    Quiz Time
    Lesson 4-1. Can You Pronounce 우 and 으 Differently?
    Lesson 4-2. Are You Saying That You Are Lucky or That You Like Silver?
    Quiz Time
    Chapter 3.How on Earth Should I Pronounce 의?
    Chapter 4. Transformers
    Lesson 1-1. Doubles in Disguise
    Lesson 1-2. Decepti-consonants
    Lesson 1-3. Space Bridge
    Lesson 1-4. More Than Meets the Eye
    Lesson 2-1. Throw Away the Rules!
    Lesson 2-2. Just Memorize It!
    Lesson 3. Follow My Lead!
    Lesson 4. When in Rome…
    Lesson 5. ㄴ, Watch Out for ㄹ.
    Lesson 6. The Quiet Strength of ㅎ
    Lesson 7-1. Sticky Consonants
    Lesson 7-2. Morphing Consonants
    Chapter 5. 읽 Wherefore Art Thou Pronounced 익?
    Chapter 6. What?! I Did Not Know It Would Sound Like This!
    Lesson 1. Why Isn’t 겉옷 Pronounced [거?z]?
    Lesson 2. Why Isn't 꽃잎 Pronounced [꼬칩]?
    Chapter 7.Why Don't I Sound Right?
    Lesson 1. What Is the Difference Between G and ㄱ?
    Lesson 2. What Are the Differences Between N and ㄴ, and D and ㄷ?
    Lesson 3. What Are the Differences Between M and ㅁ, and B and ㅂ?
    Lesson 4. What Are the Differences Between L, R, and ㄹ?
    Lesson 5. ㅅ the Chameleon
    Lesson 6. What Is the Difference Between J and ㅈ?
    Chapter 8. Not Quite English
    Lesson 1. Sit on the Bench, Not on My Benz.
    Lesson 2. Why English Is Pronounced Differently in Korean
    Lesson 3. Native Korean Speakers vs. The Dictionary
    Chapter 9. That Is Not My Name.
    Chapter 10. Do Not Get Lost On Your Way to Costco.
    Chapter 11. Correct Order, Wrong Food
    Lesson 1. Sundae Blues
    Lesson 2. Why Are Olives So Hard to Find?
    Chapter 12. There Is No Gang in Gangnam.
    Chapter 13. To Avoid Stress, Correct Your Stress
    Lesson 1. Highs and Lows
    Lesson 2. What Did You Eat? vs. Did You Eat Something?
    Chapter 14. The Dictionary Is Wrong?!
    Bonus: The Short-Long Debate
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     : 평일 오전 7시 이전 주문 시 당일 발송 (2~3일 소요) : 단, 공휴일, 연휴, 천재지변 등으로 인해 발송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
     : 당일 발송건에 한해 익일 오전 9시 이후 확인 가능합니다.

  • 교환정보


     ◆반품/교환을 원하는 경우 반드시 고객센터로 연락 후 신청하시기 바랍니다.
     ◆반품/교환은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내에만 가능합니다. 단, 상품이 훼손되지 않았거나, 속 비닐이 있는 경우 듣지 않았을    때 가능합니다.
     •고객님의 변심 또는 잘못 주문하신 경우에는 왕복 배송비는 고객님의 부담입니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량 상품에 대해서는 고객센터로 연락주시면 상담 후 교환해 드립니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량상품의 배송비는 환불처에서 부담합니다.
     ◆환불은 상품이 환불에 도착 시 처리됩니다. (카드 취소는 3~5일이 소요될 수 있습니다.)



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  • How To Sound Like A Native Korean Speaker(원어민도 깜짝 놀라는 내 한국어 발음)
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