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    셰익스피어 구문론. 2


    도서명:셰익스피어 구문론. 2


    1. Shakespeare’s contribution to the making of Modern English.
    2. Subjunctive forms.
    3. Functional shifts.
    4. Various verb forms.
    5. Extensive use of verbs.
    6. Verbs: agreement of number.
    7. Establishment of the tense system.
    8. Misuse of case forms.
    9. Tense auxiliaries ‘will’ and ‘shall’.
    10. Comparative and superlative degrees.
    11. Shakespearian vocabulary.
    12. Native expressions.
    13. Low style vocabulary.
    14. High level vocabulary.
    15. Vocabulary from classical and Romance languages.
    16. Dialectal vocabulary.
    17. Vocabulary first used in Shakespeare.
    18. Words misused.
    19. Intensifiers.
    20. Auxiliary ‘do’.
    21. Flat adverbs.
    22. Smile (직유:直喩) and metaphor (隱喩).
    23. Linguistic Approach to Shakespeare.
    24. Semantic changes.

    1. Why functional shift.
    2. Widening the horizon of expression.

    1. The making of compund words in Shakespeare.
    2. Other compound words.

    4. TENSE.
    1. Tense forms in Shakespeare.
    2. Present tense forms.
    2.1. 實質的 현재 (actual present) 를 나타내는 現在時制形.
    2.2. 汎時的 현재 (generic present) 를 나타내는 現在時制形.
    3. Preterit tense forms.
    3.1 實質的 과거 (actual past) 를 나타내는 過去時制形.
    3.2 汎時的 과거 (generic past) 를 나타내는 過去時制形.
    4. Present perfect tense forms.
    5. Past perfect tense forms.
    6. Future tense forms.

    5. MOOD.
    1. Indicative (直說法) vs. subjunctive (假想法).
    2. Subjunctive present 대신 indicative present가 쓰이는 경우.
    3. Subjunctive present tense forms.
    4. Subjunctive past tense forms.
    5. Subjunctive present and past perfect tense forms.

    6. CASE.
    1. Case forms in Shakespeare.
    2. Vocative (호격).
    3. Nominative cases (주격).
    4. Absolute nominative constructions (절대주격구문).
    5. Accusative cases (대격).
    6. Dative cases (여격).
    7. Ethical datives (공감여걱).
    8. Genitive cases (속격).


    7. NUMBER.
    1. 數라는 文法範疇 (category of number).
    2. 表出手段의 하나로 쓰이는 數範疇 (category of number as a means of expression).
    3. ‘eyne’ 複數形 (‘eyne’ plural forms).
    4. 표현의 폭을 넓히기 위해 敍述文에서 쓰이는 複數形
    (plural forms in declarative sentences to widen expressive spheres).
    5. 母音變化 複數形 (mutation plural forms).
    6. 不變化 複數形 (unchanged plural forms).
    7. 二重 複數形 (double plural forms).
    8. 分化 複數形 (differentiated plural forms).
    9. 絶對 複數形 (absolute plural forms).
    10. 集合名詞 (collective nouns).
    11. 物質名詞의 數 (number in material nouns).
    12. 抽象名詞의 數 (number in abstract nouns).
    13. 帝王의 ‘we’ (royal ‘we’).
    14. Be friends with ~ 構文.
    15. There is ~ 構文.
    16. Many a man ~ 構文.
    17. 數의 一致 (agreement of number).

    8. PERSON.
    1. Shakespeare의 人稱 (person in Shakespeare).
    2. Thou art ~ 構文.
    3. ‘You’and ‘thou’.
    4. 2人稱: -est.
    5. 3人稱: -th.
    6. 非人稱 構文 (impersonal constructions).
    7. If it please you∼.
    8. Methinks (=It seems to me).
    9. Methought (=It seemed to me).
    10. 人稱 構文 (personal constructions).
    11. Indefinite ‘it’.

    9. GENDER.
    1. Gender in Modern English.
    2. Masculine.
    3. Feminine.
    4. Neuter.
    5. Zero gender.

    10. VOICE.
    1. Shakespearian English에서 態 (voice) 라는 文法範疇
    (grammatical category) 가 차지하는 비중.
    2. By-受動形 (‘By’-passive forms).
    3. With-受動形 (‘With’-passive forms).
    4. Of-受動形 (‘Of’-passive forms).
    5. 기타의 受動形 (Other passive forms).
    6. Zero passives.

    1. Various forms of comparison in Shakespeare.
    2. Irregular comparisons.
    3. Comparisons of equality.
    4. ‘More noble, nobler’: nominal, attributive, predicative.
    5. Emphatic ‘most’.
    6. ‘Most noble, noblest’: nominal, attributive, predicative.
    7. Comparative degrees.
    8. Comparisons of superiority.
    9. Comparisons of superiority with ‘more’.
    10. Comparisons of inferiority.
    11. Comparisons of proportion.
    12. Double comparisons.

    12. Article.
    Shakespearian English에서 쓰인 冠詞의 용법.

    零冠詞 (zero articles).
    1. 친숙한 주변 사람들, 季節名, 時間, 食事名 등을 나타내는 경우.
    2. 抽象名詞 (abstract nouns), 物量詞 (mass-words)와 함께 쓰이는 경우.
    3. “動詞 + 目的語” (verb + object) 構文에서 쓰이는 零冠詞.
    4. “be-動詞 + 敍述語” (be + predicative) 構文에서 쓰이는 零冠詞.
    5. 각종 複數名詞 (plural nouns)와 함께 쓰여, 특히 그 명사의 內面的인 특색을
    강조하는 경우.
    6. 각종 單數名詞 (singular nouns)와 함께 쓰여, 그 名詞가 내포하고 있는
    內面的인 뜻 (internal meanings)을 강조하는 경우.
    7. 前置詞句 (prepositional phrases)를 형성할 때.
    8. 對照感 (contrast)을 부각시키려 할 때.

    定冠詞 (definite articles).
    1. 定冠詞의 일반적인 성격 (general characters of the definite articles).
    2. 文脈上 (contextual), 또는 狀況上 (situational)
    어느 누구인지 또는 무엇인지 알 수 있을 때.
    3. 總稱的 또는 일정한 部類를 나타내는 데 쓰이는 定冠詞.
    4. 特性이나 役割을 나타내는 데 쓰이는 定冠詞.
    5. 最上級, 序數 (ordinal number)와 함께, 또는 각종 慣用語句 안에서.

    不定冠詞 (indefinite articles).
    1. 種類나 部類 또는 誘導語 (introductory words)로 쓰이는 경우.
    2. 個體 (individuality)를 강조하는 데 쓰이는 不定冠詞.
    3. 숨어 있는 “性格”이나 “特色”을 부각시키는 경우.
    4. 分配 (distribution)을 나타내는 용례.
    5. Indicating similarity.
    6. Distributive ‘a’.

    13. Relatives.
    1. Shakespeare가 구사한 각종 關係詞의 양상.
    2. Who: 制限的 용법 (restrictive uses).
    3. Who: 連續的 용법 (continuative uses).
    4. Whose: 制限的 용법 (restrictive uses).
    5. Whose: 連續的 용법 (continuative uses).
    6. Whom: 制限的 용법 (restrictive uses).
    7. Whom: 連續的 용법 (continuative uses).
    8. Which: 制限的 용법 (restrictive uses).
    9. Which: 連續的 용법 (continuative uses).
    10. Which: 關係形容詞 (relative adjectives)로 쓰이는 용법.
    11. That: 制限的 용법 (restrictive uses).
    12. That: 連續的 용법 (continuative uses).
    13. Where: 制限的 용법 (restrictive uses).
    14. Where: 連續的 용법 (continuative uses).
    15. Which: 사람을 받는다 (referring to persons).
    16. 특별한 關係詞 ‘the which’.
    17. 關係形容詞 ‘which’ (relative adjectives ‘which’).
    18. 關係副詞 ‘whereof’ (relative adverbs ‘whereof’).
    19. 關係副詞 ‘when’ (relative adverbs ‘when’).
    20. 關係副詞 ‘whence’ (relative adverbs ‘whence’).
    21. ‘whereon’, ‘whereto’ 등 複合 關係副詞 (compound relative adverbs).
    22. 複合 關係副詞 (compund relative adverbs) ‘wherein’.
    23. 기타 關係詞 (other relatives).
    24. 關係詞 省略 (relatives omitted).
    25. 先行詞 省略 (antecedents omitted).

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