항공사 승무원 합격 비밀노트
도서명:항공사 승무원 합격 비밀노트
비밀노트 1 나만의 스토리 만들기
Unit 1 나합격 이력서 작성하기
1. 이력서에서 경험 1줄 메모하기
2. ‘경험 1줄 메모’로부터 자세한 에피소드와 키워드 끌어내기
3. 키워드 분석하기
* 나합격 영문 이력서
Unit 2 최창공 이력서 작성하기
1. 이력서에서 경험 1줄 메모하기
2. ‘경험 1줄 메모’로부터 자세한 에피소드와 키워드 끌어내기
3. 키워드 분석하기
* 최창공 영문 이력서
Unit 3 항공사별 인재상과 키워드
1. 국내 항공사
2. 외국 항공사
3. 나는 어느 국적 항공사 합격률이 높을까?
4. 2008~2016년도 외국 항공사 월별 승무원 채용
비밀노트 2 인터뷰 영어 50
Unit 1 자기소개
1. Can you tell me about yourself?
2. What is your strong point?
3. What is your weakness?
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 1
be ready vs. prepare
Unit 2 나에 대해 이야기하기
4. What is your hobby?
5. How do you handle your stress?
6. How do you keep yourself healthy?
7. Tell me about your family.
8. What is your life-time goal?
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 2
bear vs. endure vs. put up with
Unit 3 지원 동기와 포부
9. Why do you want to become a flight attendant?
10. Why do you apply for our company?
11. What kind of flight attendant would you like to be?
12. How long would you like to work with us?
13. Where do you see yourself after 10 years?
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 3
respect vs. admire
Unit 4 승무원 직무에 대한 이해와 자질
14. What do you know about this job?
15. What do you think are the good parts in working as a flight attendant?
16. What do you think are the bad parts in working as a flight attendant?
17. I cannot find any service job experience in your resume. How do you assure that you can carry out this job well?
18. Why should we hire you?
19. Tell me your qualifications working as a flight attendant.
20. Have you worked as a team?
21. You look a little bit weak. I wonder whether you work well.
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 4
handle vs. deal with
Unit 5 학교생활과 대외 활동
22. What kind of activities did you have in your college life?
23. Where did you put most emphasis on your college life?
24. Tell me about your major.
25. Why did you receive not-excellent GPAs?
26. What did you do a year after graduation?
27. Tell me your extracurricular activities.
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 5
had better vs. be supposed to
Unit 6 해외 체류 경험과 언어 능력
28. Have you ever been abroad?
29. Can you adapt yourself to foreign country though you don't have an overseas experience?
30. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while abroad?
31. Have you ever worked with foreign coworkers?
32. How well do you speak English?
33. What do you do to improve your English ability?
34. Can you speak other languages apart from English?
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 6
when vs. as long as
Unit 7 아르바이트나 취업 및 서비스 경력
35. Tell me about your work experiences.
36. Tell me about a difficult situation while working.
37. Have you ever met any customers difficult to handle?
38. Have you ever made any mistakes while working?
39. Have you ever had a trouble with your coworkers?
40. When did you feel rewarded while working?
41. Have you ever had a moment of regrets while working?
42. What did you learn from your work experiences?
43. Why are you leaving your job?
44. Why do you want to change your career into this field?
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 7
could have vs. should have
Unit 8 그 밖에 가능한 질문
45. What is your favorite foods?
46. Where would you recommend a place to visit in Korea to your foreign friends?
47. Have you ever disappointed somebody?
48. What did you do last night?
49. What is your plan after this interview?
50. What do you want to say before you go?
* 잠깐! 우리가 자주 틀리는 표현 8
현재 완료 vs. 현재 완료 진행
비밀노트 3 외국 항공사 심층 면접 대비
Unit 1 꼬리질문
1. 꼬리질문 유형별 대처법
2. 꼬리질문 대비 Tip 11
Unit 2 토론
1. 토론에서의 주안점
2. 유용한 Tip 7
3. 유용한 표현
4. 모의 토론
5. 토론 기출문제 30
Unit 3 에세이
1. 효과적인 에세이 만들기
2. 에세이 예시
3. 앞서 출제된 에세이 주제들
Unit 4 그림 묘사
1. 면접 절차
2. 면접 주안점 및 면접 요령
3. 예상 질문 및 답변 요령
4. 예상 문제 가늠하기
비밀노트 4 내 답변에 골라 쓰는 문장