Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty - Legacies of Elegance > 문화일반

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Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty - Legacies of Elegance > 문화일반

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  • Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty - Legacies of Elegance


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    상품 상세설명

    Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty - Legacies of Elegance


    도서명:Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty - Legacies of Elegance

    Foreword Korean Royal Legacies Beckon the World
    Preface A Stroll Through Vistas of History
    Introduction Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty
    East of Seoul
    Donggureung Area Geonwolleung of King Taejo, the founding ruler
    Hyeolleung of King Munjong, the 5th ruler
    Mongneung of King Seonjo, the 14th ruler
    Hwireung of Queen Jagnyeol, Consort to King Injo, the 16th ruler
    Sungneung of King Hyeonjong, the 18th ruler
    Hyereung of Queen Danui, Consort to King Gyeongjong, the 20th ruler
    Wolleung of King Yeongjo, the 21st ruler
    Gyeongneung of King Heonjong, the 24th ruler
    Sureung of Posthumous King Munjo, father of King Heonjong, the 24th ruler
    Hongyureung Area Hongneung of Emperor Gojong, the 26th ruler
    Yureung of Emperor Sunjong, the 27th and last ruler
    Gwangneung Area Gwangneung of King Sejo, the 7th ruler
    Sareung Area Sareung of Queen Jeongsun, Consort to King Danjong, the 6th ruler
    Yeongnyeongneung Area Yeongneung of King Sejong, the 4th ruler
    Yeongneung of King Hyojong, the 17th ruler
    Yeongwol Jangneung Area Jangneung of King Danjong, the 6th ruler

    In Seoul
    Seonjeongneung Area Seolleung of King Seongjong, the 9th ruler
    Jeongneung of King Jungjong, the 11th ruler
    Heonilleung Area Heolleung of King Taejong, the 3rd ruler
    Illeung of King Sunjo, the 23rd ruler
    Taegangneung Area Taereung of Queen Munjeong, Consort to King Jungjong, the 11th ruler
    Gangneung of King Myeongjong, the 13th ruler
    Jeongneung Area Jeongneung of Queen Sindeok, Consort to King Taejo, the founding ruler
    Uireung Area Uireung of King Gyeongjong, the 20th ruler

    West of Seoul
    Seo-oreung Area Changneung of King Yejong, the 8th ruler
    Gyeongneung of Posthumous King Deokjong, father of King Seongjong, the 9th ruler
    Myeongneung of King Sukjong, the 19th ruler
    Ingneung of Queen Ingyeong, Consort to King Sukjong, the 19th ruler
    Hongneung of Queen Jeongseong, Consort to King Yeongjo, the 21st ruler
    Seosamneung Area Huireung of Queen Janggyeong, Consort to King Jungjong, the 11th ruler
    Hyoreung of King Injong, the 12th ruler
    Yereung of King Cheoljong, the 25th ruler
    Olleung Area Olleung of Queen Dangyeong, Consort to King Jungjong, the 11th ruler
    Paju Samneung Area Gongneung of Queen Jangsun, Consort to King Yejong, the 8th ruler
    Sulleung of Queen Gonghye, Consort to King Seongjong, the 9th ruler
    Yeongneung of Posthumous King Jinjong, stepfather of King Jeongjo, the 22nd ruler
    Paju Jangneung Area Jangneung of King Injo, the 16th ruler
    Gimpo Jangneung Area Jangneung of Posthumous King Wonjong, father of King Injo, the 16th ruler
    Yunggeolleung Area Yungneung of Crown Prince Sado, or Posthumous King Jangjo, father of King Jeongjo, the 22nd ruler
    Geolleung of King Jeongjo, the 22nd ruler

    Joseon Royal Tombs : Style and Layout
    Graveyard Rites of the Joseon Dynasty
    Pedigree of the Joseon Royal Family
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     ◆반품/교환을 원하는 경우 반드시 고객센터로 연락 후 신청하시기 바랍니다.
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     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량 상품에 대해서는 고객센터로 연락주시면 상담 후 교환해 드립니다.
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  • Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty - Legacies of Elegance
    Royal Tomb 45,000


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