Chapter 01 중심 개념 (Central Ideas)
Unit 01 주제 찾기(Main Ideas or Main Topic)
Topic 01. Angkor Wat
Topic 02. The Fountain of Youth
Topic 03. Honiara
Topic 04. Zeus
Topic 05. Captain John Smith and Pocahontas
Topic 06. Lao-tzu.
Topic 07. Poseidon
Topic 08. Guinea pig
Unit 02 의도나 목적 찾기(Main Point or Purpose)
Topic 01. Black Americans at war
Topic 02. Hong Kong
Topic 03. Kennedy s Peace Corps
Topic 04. The Kaw
Topic 05. The League of Nations
Topic 06. The Mayflower Compact
Topic 07. Origins of Passover
Topic 08. Spanish Mission
Chapter 02 세부 사항 (Specific Details)
Unit 01 문장 클릭하기(Clicking on the Sentence)
Topic 01. Theodore Roosevelt and Conservation
Topic 02. The First Political Parties
Topic 03. Wagon Trains
Topic 04. Ho Chih Minh Trail
Topic 05. Why is America called America
Topic 06. Abacus
Topic 07. Birth of NATO
Topic 08. Eli Whitney & Cotton Gin
Unit 02 문장 삽입하기(Inserting the Sentence)
Topic 01. Harlem Renaissance
Topic 02. Harriet Tubman
Topic 03. Labor Day
Topic 04. The Inuit
Topic 05. Spanish Inquisition
Topic 06. Saturn
Topic 07. Japanese Internment
Unit 03 지시대상 찾기(Identifying Referents)
Topic 01. Gladiators
Topic 02. The Great Wall of China
Topic 03. Helen Keller
Topic 04. Barbed Wire
Topic 05. The Career of Henry Ford
Topic 06. Cathedral
Topic 07. Camel
Unit 04 긍정형 사실(Positive Facts)
Topic 01. Confucius
Topic 02. Daniel Boone
Topic 03. Division of Germany
Topic 04. Ecosystem
Topic 05. Halloween
Topic 06. Muhammad Ali
Topic 07. Famous Gold Rushes
Unit 05 부정형 사실(Negative Facts)
Topic 01. Pompeii
Topic 02. Olympic Games
Topic 03. Abraham Lincoln-1
Topic 04. The Holocaust
Topic 05. The Mongol Empire
Topic 06. The Theory of Evolution
Topic 07. The Wright brothers
Chapter 03 추론과 결론 사항 (Making Inferences & Drawing Conclusions)
Unit 01 추론 사항(Making Inferences)
Topic 01. Magna Carta
Topic 02. Salem Witch Trials
Topic 03. Bamboo
Topic 04. Trojan War
Topic 05. Ramadan
Topic 06. The Louisiana Purchase
Unit 02 결론 사항(Drawing Conclusions)
Topic 01. The Amish
Topic 02. The Maya
Topic 03. Aesop
Topic 04. The Pacific Ocean
Topic 05. The Shoshone Indians
Topic 06. The Beliefs and Practices of Eastern Orthodox Church
Chapter 04 본문 요약과 표 작성하기 (Plot Summary & Schematic Table)
Unit 01 본문 요약하기(Plot Summary)
Topic 01. Abraham Lincoln-2
Topic 02. American Revolution
Topic 03. Babe Ruth
Topic 04. The Stock Market Crash of 1929
Topic 05. What Is Slavery?
Topic 06. Wild Pets
Unit 02 표 작성하기(Schematic Table)
Topic 01. Black Pilots
Topic 02. Cars
Topic 03. The American Civil War
Topic 04. Kites
Topic 05. Lewis & Clark
Topic 06. Organic Farming
부록 Practice Test
Practice Test 01
Practice Test 02
Practice Test 03