New York Museums 49 (영문판) > 테마여행

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New York Museums 49 (영문판) > 테마여행

New York Museums 49 (영문판) 요약정보 및 구매


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 좋은땅
원산지 국내산
브랜드 좋은땅
시중가격 12,000원
판매가격 10,800원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개

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  • New York Museums 49 (영문판)


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    상품 기본설명


    상품 상세설명

    New York Museums 49 (영문판)


    도서명:New York Museums 49 (영문판)

    Part 1 Downtown Manhattan (다운타운 맨해튼)

    01 Chelsea Art Museum - Jackson Pollock vs. Jean Miotte?
    02 Rubin Museum of Art - The Himalayan art, beyond vivid
    03 Tibet House - The ultimate unifi cation, Yam Yum
    04 Center for Jewish History - Become fully respected
    05 Gray Art Gallery - New York University’s fi ne arts museum
    06 AIA New York Center for Architecture - The busiest time in Manhattan, noon
    07 Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art - Soho, South of Houston
    08 New Museum - A museum with no art?
    09 Italian American Museum -My little free lunch story
    10 Museum of Chinese in America - Chinatown, no pretense or fl attery
    11 Anne Frank Center USA - Her unforgettable diary
    12 Museum at Eldridge Street - The Eldridge Street Synagogue, Jewish house of prayer
    13 South Street Seaport Museum - Dancing with the ripples of the Hudson River
    14 Fraunces Tavern Museum - American History
    15 The National Museum of the American Indian - Street musicians, incredibly good or hideously bad
    16 Museum of Jewish Heritage - Seeing the Statue of Liberty in the middle of the dazzling Hudson River
    17 Skyscraper Museum - Experience New York City’s buildings

    Part 2 Midtown Manhattan (미드타운 맨해튼)

    18 Whitney Museum of American Art - Very industrial and powerfully primitive
    19 Asia Society - Have you been stereotyped?
    20 China Institute in America - Both exciting and well-arranged
    21 Museum of American Illustration - For those who love the art of illustration
    22 The Museum of Biblical Art (MOBIA) - A moment of meditation
    23 Museum of Art and Design - Christopher Columbus!
    24 Art Students League of New York - Sincere passion for art
    25 The Museum of Modern Art - My journey with MoMA, an amazing piece of art
    26 American Folk Art Museum - The interesting distribution of staircases
    27 Onassis Cultural Center - The city’s incredible archaeological site
    28 The Paley Center for Media - The sense of nostalgia
    29 Austrian Cultural Forum New York - Tall, narrow and cleverly angled
    30 International Center of Photography - Takes a moment of life
    31 Scandinavia House - Experience a Nordic adventure
    32 Morgan Library & Museum - A divine and mystical sanctuary
    33 The Museum at FIT- The Fashion Institute of Technology

    Part 3 Uptown Manhattan (업타운 맨해튼)

    34 El Museo del Barrio - the Central Park Conservatory Garden, a secret garden
    35 Museum of the City of New York - “Excuse me, are you a New Yorker?”
    36 Jewish Museum - The remarkable Jewish spirit
    37 Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum - A National Historic Landmark, the Andrew Carnegie Mansion
    38 National Academy Museum - To remember the old times
    39 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - An ‘architectural’ experience, an exclusive experience
    40 Neue Galerie New York - A frank eroticism, a pleasure of heavenly beauty
    41 The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Too good to be true
    42 Ukrainian Institute of America - The prestigious presence graciously and harmoniously shines out
    43 Frick Collection - Serves its visitors, like it serves its own master
    44 Children’ Museum in Manhattan - One of the fi nest neighborhoods in the city
    45 New York Historical Society - A place that nurtures one’s own presence

    Part 4 Et Cetera (맨해튼 외곽 지역)

    46 The Cloisters - Medieval Europe at the end of the city map
    47 Brooklyn Museum - The second largest art museum in the city
    48 MoMA PS1 - Are you one of the Wellesley girls?
    49 Sculpture Center - A former trolley repair shop in Long Island City, Queens
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    배송업체 : 한진택배 (1588-0011)
     2,500원 (25,000원 이상 구매 시 무료 배송/일부상품제외) 군부대 및 도서산간 지역은 추가 배송비가 발생할 수 있습니다.
     : 평일 오전 7시 이전 주문 시 당일 발송 (2~3일 소요) : 단, 공휴일, 연휴, 천재지변 등으로 인해 발송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
     : 당일 발송건에 한해 익일 오전 9시 이후 확인 가능합니다.

  • 교환정보


     ◆반품/교환을 원하는 경우 반드시 고객센터로 연락 후 신청하시기 바랍니다.
     ◆반품/교환은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내에만 가능합니다. 단, 상품이 훼손되지 않았거나, 속 비닐이 있는 경우 듣지 않았을    때 가능합니다.
     •고객님의 변심 또는 잘못 주문하신 경우에는 왕복 배송비는 고객님의 부담입니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량 상품에 대해서는 고객센터로 연락주시면 상담 후 교환해 드립니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량상품의 배송비는 환불처에서 부담합니다.
     ◆환불은 상품이 환불에 도착 시 처리됩니다. (카드 취소는 3~5일이 소요될 수 있습니다.)



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  • New York Museums 49 (영문판)
    New York M 10,800


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