열린영어회화. 1
도서명:열린영어회화. 1
Lesson 01. Introductions
Situation 1. What do you do? 무슨 일을 하십니까?
Situation 2. Making a Date 만날****속 정하기
Lesson 02. First Impression 첫인상
Situation 1. Approaching a foreigner 외국인에게 말 걸기
Situation 2. Familiar Face 낯익은 얼굴일 때
Lesson 03. Family 가족
A family tree 족보
Personal Information 개인 정보
Lesson 04. Neighborhood 이웃
Situation 1. View 전망
Lesson 05. Education 교육
Situation 1. What’s your major? 전공이 무엇입니까?
Situation 2. What courses are you taking? 무슨 수업을 듣고 있습니까?
Situation 3. Do you plan to go to graduate school? 대학원에 갈 계획입니까?
Lesson 06. Work 일
Situation 1. What does your father do? 아버지는 무엇을 하시는 분입니까?
Situation 2. Jobs 직업
Situation 3. Worker 노동자
Lesson 07. Telephone 전화
Situation 1. Answering the Phone 전화받기
Situation 2. The Phone’s ringing 전화벨 울리기
Situation 3. Wrong Number 전화가 잘못 걸렸을 때
Situation 4. Person Not There 사람이 부재중일 때
Situation 5. Bad Connection 연결이 좋지 않을 때
Situation 6. The Line was Busy 통화 중
Situation 7. Operator 교환원에게
Lesson 08 Senses 감각
Situation 1. Sight 시력
Situation 2. Touch 촉각
Situation 3. Taste 맛
Situation 4. Hearing 청각
Situation 5. Smell 후각
Situation 6. Adjectives 형용사
Lesson 09. Food 음식
Situation 1. What’s your favorite food? 당신이 좋아하는 음식은 무엇입니까?
Situation 2. What do you suggest I order? 내가 무엇을 주문할까요?
Lesson 10. Describing Personality 성격 묘사
Situation 1. What is he like? 그는 어떻습니까?
Situation 2. What do you think of President Obama? 오바마 대통령을 어떻게 생각하십니까?
Lesson 11. Health 건강
Situation 1. How’s your health? 건강이 어떠세요?
Situation 2. You should see a doctor 당신은 진찰을 받아보아야 합니다
Situation 3. Injury 상해
Situation 4. Mental Pain 정신적 아픔
Lesson 12. Summer Vacation 여름 방학
Situation 1. A good place for summer vacation 여름휴가로 좋은 곳
Situation 2. After the vacation 휴가 후
Lesson 13. Entertainment(TV, Movies, etc.) 연예오락(TV, 영화 등)
Situation 1. Couch Potato (텔레비전을 보면서)여가를 보내는 사람
Situation 2. Asking questions 질문하기
Situation 3. On The Tube 텔레비전에서
Situation 4. Movies 영화
Situation 5. Asking Opinions 의견 묻기
Situation 6. I’d like tickets for the third show 3회 티켓을 사고 싶어요
Lesson 14. Renting an Apartment 아파트 임대
Situation 1. I’m calling about the apartment for rent 아파트 렌트를 위해 전화드립니다
Situation 2. Studio Apartment 원룸
Lesson 15. Money/Banking 돈/은행업무
Situation 1. Cashing a Check 수표를 현금으로 바꾸기
Situation 2. Changing Money 돈을 바꾸기
Situation 3. Traveler’s Check 여행자 수표
Situation 4. Money Transfer (remittance) 돈 송금
Situation 5. Housing Loan 주택융자
Situation 6. Checking the Balance 잔고 확인하기
Lesson 16. Visiting/Hosting 방문/접대
Situation 1. I’d like to invite you to my house 당신을 집에 초대하고 싶습니다
Situation 2. Would you care for some more food? 음식 좀 더 드시겠어요?
Situation 3. I’ve had a wonderful evening 멋진 저녁을 보냈습니다
Situation 4. Potluck Dinner 각자가 음식을 지참하여 하는 저녁 식사 모임
Answer Sheet