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Why the Vietnamese Market


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시중가격 16,000원
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  • Why the Vietnamese Market


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    상품 상세설명

    Why the Vietnamese Market


    도서명:Why the Vietnamese Market


    Chapter 1 Vietnam--- Not, a Country I Thought It Was


    1.The History and Diplomatic Relations of Vietnam
    Vietnam Has an Adversarial Relationship with China
    Vietnam is a Hegemonic Power on the Indochina Peninsula
    Stepping Out as a Dark Horse to Contain China With the US
    on Its Back

    2.Vietnamese Culture
    The Vietnamese are Just as Enthusiastic for Education as
    Can a Korean Cultural Content Business Achieve Success?

    3.The Vietnamese Economy
    Vietnam Grew Stronger During the Subprime
    Mortgage Crisis
    The Vietnamese Economy is Sure to Keep
    Improving Going Forward
    Even the Global Economic Crisis Will Become a Golden
    Opportunity in Vietnam

    Chapter 2 Why is Vietnam the Land of Opportunity?


    Changes That Happened in the Last
    Ten Years are Beyond Your Imagination
    The Vietnamese Are the Most Avid Smartphone Users

    1. Strong Dedication to Education and Fast Learners

    2. A Stable Country Built on the Communist Collective System
    A One-party Collective Management System Led by the
    Communist Party of Vietnam
    Free from the Influence of Ethnic Chinese
    No Conflict with Minority Ethnic Groups
    Vietnam is Different from Other Emerging Markets in
    Southeast Asia

    3. Vietnamese are Open-mined and Liberal about Things That Are New
    Vietnamese Acknowledge and Accept
    What is Different from Them
    Same-sex Marriage is Not Illegal
    Recognition of Religious Diversity and Freedom

    4. Vietnam is a Nation of Strong Women and Girl Crushes

    5. An IT Powerhouse Sensitive to Trends
    A Wifi Paradise
    Vietnam is an IT Powerhouse

    6. Vietnam is a Late Bloomer-type Growth Model
    The Vietnamese Market is Divided into South and North
    South Vietnam is Completely Different from
    North Vietnam
    Vietnam has Two Megacities and
    Three Independent Municipalities

    7. Analysis of Consumers by Age Groups, I
    It Has Been Growing, Albeit Slowly
    Vietnamese Born in 1970 are the Equivalent of Koreans Born
    During the Korean War
    Vietnamese Born in the 1980s are the Post-war
    Generation of Koreans Born in 1958
    Vietnamese Born Between the 1970s and the 1980s Care More
    About their Children’s Education Than Themselves

    8. Analysis of Consumers by Age Groups, II
    A Globalized Generation Who Are Smartphone Users and
    Grab Riders
    Those Born in the 1990s Are Credited with
    the Beginning of the Korean Wave
    They Use Uber and Grab as If They are Public
    Mobile Delivery Service is Growing Popular
    2K Generation! Those Born in the 2000s are the Echo
    Generation with Global Education
    Expansion of Public Transportation
    Will Trigger Major Changes

    9. There is the Korean Wave and There Isn’t, Either
    Vietnam was the Origin of the Korean Wave in Southeast Asia
    in the Late 1990s
    Be a Korean Company and a Local Company at
    the Same Time

    Chapter 3 Political Landscape of Southeast Asia Surrounding Vietnam


    1. The Mekong River, the Ticking Bomb in Southeast Asia
    Vietnam Has the Mastery in Wire-Walking
    World War III Will Break Out in the Mekong River
    Containing China While Riding on the Back of the US
    Vietnam is Not a Southeast Asian Country
    It is Fundamentally Different from
    the European Union
    No Leader in the Southeast Asian Economic
    Southeast Asian Countries Have Different Languages
    and Religions

    2. Vietnam, The Role Model for North Korea
    The Mediator for Two New and Old Friends
    Vietnam and North Korea Share the Same Anti-China
    Vietnam is a Good Model for the North’s Reform and
    Open Policy
    Power to the Communist Party and Money to the Money
    The Vietnamese Military is There for Both National Defense
    and the Economy
    An Enemy's Enemy is an Ally: the United States Joins Hands
    with Vietnam

    Chapter 4 What You Must Know When Doing Business in Vietnam


    1. Your Way is Not the Right Answer
    How Should You Eat BIBIMBAP?
    Bibimbap Isn't Necessarily Rice Mixed With Other
    Eating Rice with Chopsticks, Not a Spoon
    How Do You Enjoy Americano, Pizza, and Pasta
    Doing Business in Vietnam is the Same

    2. Target the Market with Familiar Products
    What is New is What Seems Somehow Unfamiliar and
    Familiar at the Same Time
    Even the Absolute Truth Should be Boldly Destroyed
    In Vietnam, Hot Stone Pot Bibimbap Sells Better
    Than Just Bibimbap
    If You Plan to Open a Korean Restaurant in Vietnam

    3.Orion: The Leading Confectionary Brand in Vietnam
    Bold Operation of Business Based on the Prediction
    of the Market
    Nation-wide Operation Using Entire Sales Force
    Cleaning Sales Strategy That Required Patience
    Consulting Sales, Not Bulldozing Sales
    Preparation Based on the Prediction of Change
    Employees Are Required to Stay and Work in Vietnam for At
    Least 10 Years
    Releasing New Products Exclusively Made for
    the Vietnamese Market

    4. Wildly Popular Tteokbokki Brand, Dookki
    Reasons Behind Dookki’s
    Wild Success in Vietnam, 1: Buffet
    Reasons Behind Dookki’s
    Wild Success in Vietnam, 2: Create Your Own Recipe
    The Risk Dookki Should Watch Out For, 1: Who Manages the Franchise?
    The Risk Dookki Should Watch Out for, 2: It Can Burst In an Instant
    Decisively Let Go of the Identity of Tteokbokki

    5. A Market Where Even the Almighty Starbucks Struggles

    6. Winners in the Vietnamese Fast Food Market
    Hamburger? In Vietnam, It's Banh Mi
    Change Your Brand Identity

    Chapter 5 Vietnamese Food

    1.Why Vietnamese Food?
    Why Koreans Love Vietnamese Food
    A Fantastic Taste of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe
    V-Food, or Vietnamese Food, is a Grand Trend

    2.Origin of Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup
    Pho Becomes Wildly Popular in Hanoi in the 1930s
    The Difference Between Southern and Northern Pho
    The Birth of Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup, Pho Ga

    3.Banh Mi Captures the Hearts of New Yorkers
    Banh Mi, the It Item for New Yorkers

    4. Food Associated with the History of vietnam
    Cha Ca La Vong is a Menu Served to Independent Activists
    A Pho Restaurant was a Secret Hideout

    Chapter 6 Heroic Vietnamese Women


    1.The Day for Vietnamese Women, Movers and Shakers in the Retail Market

    2.Vo Thi Sau, the Vietnamese Ryu Gwan-sun

    3.Vietnamese Women in Action Movies

    Chapter 7 Investing in the Vietnamese Real Estate Market


    1.Shanghai 15 Years Ago is Different from Vietnam Today
    A Certified Real Estate Register is Not Issued
    The Quota for Foreigners is 30%
    The Korean Government Started Cracking Down Based
    on the Foreign Exchange Transaction Law
    It is Difficult to Recover Real Estate Investments in Korea
    The Latest Trend is Leaning Towards the 50-Year Long-term Lease
    It Literally is a Long-term Lease, Not Ownership
    Long-term Lease Developers May Go Bankrup

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    배송업체 : 한진택배 (1588-0011)
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     ◆반품/교환은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내에만 가능합니다. 단, 상품이 훼손되지 않았거나, 속 비닐이 있는 경우 듣지 않았을    때 가능합니다.
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     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량 상품에 대해서는 고객센터로 연락주시면 상담 후 교환해 드립니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량상품의 배송비는 환불처에서 부담합니다.
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