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장수진의 Drums Come True: Basic > 음악

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장수진의 Drums Come True: Basic


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 지식과감성
원산지 국내산
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시중가격 12,000원
판매가격 10,800원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • 장수진의 Drums Come True: Basic


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    상품 상세설명

    장수진의 Drums Come True: Basic


    도서명:장수진의 Drums Come True: Basic

    Chapter 1. Drum Basics
    1. How to Grip the Sticks
    2. The Setting of Drums
    3. Notation

    Chapter 2. Stroke
    1. Notes & Rests
    2. Single Stroke Ⅰ
    3. Stroke Reading Ⅰ
    4. Bass Drum (=Kick)
    (1) How to play Bass Drum
    (2) Bass Drum Notation
    (3) Bass Drum Exercises
    5. Stoke Reading Ⅱ

    Chapter 3. 4th & 8th Note Groove
    1. 4 Beats
    (1) 4 Beat Exercises
    2. 8 Beats
    (1) 8 Beat Warm-up
    (2) 8 Beat
    (3) 8 Beat 4 Bars Exercises
    (4) 8 Beat & Fill-in Exercises Ⅰ

    Chapter 4. Rests
    1. Rests Exercises
    2. Rests Exercises ? tom tom
    3. 8th Note Groove Variation Ⅰ
    4. 8th Note Groove Variation Ⅱ
    5. Stroke Reading Ⅲ

    Chapter 5. Ride Cymbal
    1. Ride Cymbal Exercises ? 8 Beat
    2. Rim Shot(Cross Stick) Exercises ? 8 Beat
    3. 16th Note Reading 1, 2
    4. 8 Beat & Fill-in Exercises Ⅱ
    Ex. Song 1. 신청곡 by 이소라 (Feat. SUGA of BTS)
    Ex. Song 2. 예뻤어 by Day 6

    Chapter 6. 16th Note Groove (Left hand 16th Note Patterns)
    1. Left hand 16th Note Pattern Ⅰ
    2. Left hand 16th Note Pattern Ⅱ
    3. 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅰ
    4. 16th Note Reading 3, 4
    5. 16th Note Groove & Fill-in Exercises Ⅰ

    Chapter 7. Hi-Hat(H/H) Open
    1. H/H Open Warm-up
    2. H/H Open Rhythm
    3. 16th Note Reading 5, 6
    4. H/H Open Rhythm & Fill-in Exercises
    5. H/H Open Rhythm Variation
    Ex. Song 3. 우리 지금 만나 by 리쌍 (Feat. 장기하와 얼굴들)

    Chapter 8. 16th Note Groove Ⅱ (16th Note Bass Drum Patterns)
    1. 16th Notes Summary
    2. 16th Note Bass Drum Warm-up
    3. 16th Note Bass Drum Patterns
    4. 16th Note Groove & Fill-in Exercises Ⅱ
    Ex. Song 4. 썸 탈꺼야 by 볼빨간사춘기

    Chapter 9. Syncopation
    1. Syncopation Exercises
    2. 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅱ
    3. Reading Summary
    4. 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅲ (16th Note Bass Drum Patterns Summary)
    Ex. Song 5. Sweet Child O’Mine by Guns N’ Roses

    Chapter 10. Two Hands 16th Note Groove
    1. Single Stroke Ⅱ
    2. Accent Stroke
    (1) Accent Stroke (Down, Tap, Up Stroke)
    (2) Accent Stroke Variation
    3. Two Hands 16th Note Groove Warm-up
    4. Two Hands 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅰ
    5. Two Hands 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅱ
    6. Two Hands 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅲ
    7. Two Hands 16th Note Groove Variation Ⅳ

    Chapter 11. One Hand 16th Note Groove
    1. Flam
    (1) Flam Beats
    2. One Hand 16th Note Groove
    3. One Hand 16th Note Groove & Fill-in Exercises
    Ex. Song 7. 다시 사랑한다 말할까 by 김동률

    Chapter 12. Triplets
    1. Triplet Stroke
    2. 12/8 Reading
    3. 12/8 Rhythm
    (1) 12/8 Basic Rhythm
    (2) 12/8 Basic Rhythm Variation
    4. 12/8 Basic Rhythm & Fill-in Exercises
    Ex. Song 8. Love Ballad by 브라운 아이드 소울
    5. Shuf e Groove
    (1) Shuf e Groove ? Basic
    (2) Shuf e Groove Variation & Fill-in Exercises
    Ex. Song 9. 벚꽃 엔딩 by 버스커 버스커
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