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I 'need' you whenever I 'breathe' > 건강일반

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I 'need' you whenever I 'breathe'


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 지식과감성
원산지 국내산
브랜드 지식과감성
시중가격 25,000원
판매가격 22,500원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • I 'need' you whenever I 'breathe'


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    상품 상세설명

    I 'need' you whenever I 'breathe'


    도서명:I 'need' you whenever I 'breathe'


    There is blood in the sputum

    Part 1 Our ‘breath’ is noble
    1. A doctor who cares for the ‘breath’. What is pulmonology? The medical science behind ‘breathing’
    2. “Doctor JIN! A pulmonologist”
    3. Cough - the root of all illnesses. The first thought on coughing
    4. What is worse than giving up?
    5. A famous line from Korean drama
    6. “Pull down the wall and break the window frame”
    7. You can live like everything is a miracle
    8. A weak man has doubts before a decision
    9. “You do not have lung cancer, but stomach cancer”
    10. I need you whenever I breathe

    Part 2 Sorrowful ‘pain’
    1. Discussing the truth of asthma
    2. About cancer, the illness with the highest mortality rate
    3. You have to take risks
    4. Overcoming our fears makes living worthwhile
    5. A cough cannot be hidden, it is a mask - A second thought on coughing
    6. Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west: Look one way and row another
    7. The worst disease known to man was also present in 7000 B.C.
    8. If you save a man from drowning, he’ll demand you also save his baggage
    9. Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love
    10. What would you do if you were a doctor?

    Part 3 The problem lies with the ‘system’
    1. The Hongkong Banjeom (pseudonym) story
    2. Overtreatment and defensive medicine
    3. An era of complete indifference and the pursuit of one’s own interest
    4. There is a guideline for all matters
    5. The Good Samaritan Act
    6. Typical cases in reality that anger doctors
    7. Breathing difficulties and poor airflow - COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    8. A system where the future of Korea is at stake. What is it?

    Part 4 Touching memories
    1. A voice heard at 12 o’clock that night
    2. Sweet is pleasure after pain
    3. Nothing is complete unless you put it in final shape
    4. A gift of extreme pain
    5. Is the cause of epilepsy related to the lung?
    6. It only takes a moment for one to lose his or her heart
    7. Are you a radiologic technician? Or a radiologic technologist? Are you a clinical technician? Or a clinical technologist?
    8. Let this cup pass from me

    It is alright to forget everything, but just remember this


    1. Springtime
    2. What Beautiful Breath Clinic is to me
    3. Meet the master of martial arts
    4. A beautiful breath does not occur overnight

    To Dr. JIN
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