불교영어 중급. 1
도서명:불교영어 중급. 1
책을 펴내며
이 책의 구성
Part 1 English Conversation 영어회화
Chapter 1. Templestay 템플스테이
Unit 1. Going to the Templestay Building 템플스테이관 찾아가기
Unit 2. Confirming the Templestay Reservation 템플스테이 예약 확인하기
Unit 3. Paying the Fee 비용 지불하기
Unit 4. Things Needed for Templestay 템플스테이에 필요한 것들
Unit 5. Introducing Oneself 자기소개
Chapter 2. Looking Around the Temple 사찰 안내
Unit 1. Temple History 절의 역사
Unit 2. Founder of the Temple 절의 창건자
Unit 3. Millennial Temples 천년고찰
Unit 4. Temples in the Mountains 산사
Unit 5. The Main Buddha Hall 대웅전
Chapter 3. Conversation over the Phone 전화 대화
Unit 1. Inquiry about the Templestay 템플스테이 문의
Unit 2. Two Kinds of Templestay Programs 두 가지 유형의 템플스테이
Unit 3. Templelife 템플라이프
Unit 4. Inquiry about Things to Bring to the Templestay 템플스테이 준비물 문의
Unit 5. Reservation for Templestay 템플스테이 예약
Chapter 4. Appreciating the Buddhist Cultural Treasures in Museums 박물관의 불교문화재 관람
Unit 1. Going to the National Museum of Korea 국립중앙박물관 찾아가기
Unit 2. Permanent Exhibitions and Special Exhibitions 상설전시와 특별전시
Unit 3. Arrival at the Museum 박물관 도착
Unit 4. Seeing the Gilt Bronze Pensive Maitreya 미륵반가사유상 관람
Unit 5. Going to the Special Exhibition 특별전 관람
Chapter 5. Practice 수행
Unit 1. Meditation Practice 참선
Unit 2. Chanting 염불
Unit 3. The Power of Mantra Chanting 주력
Unit 4. Silent Reading of a Sutra 간경
Unit 5. Prostration Practices 절 수행
Chapter 6. History and Culture of Korean Buddhism 한국불교의 역사와 문화
Unit 1. Introduction of Buddhism to Korea 불교의 한국 전래
Unit 2. The Baekje Kingdom that Spread Buddhism to Japan 일본에 불교를 전한 백제
Unit 3. Doctrinal Schools and Seon Schools of Buddhism 교종과 선종
Unit 4. The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism 대한불교조계종
Unit 5. Retreats or Angeo 안거
Chapter 7. Temple Manners Foreigners Have to Observe 외국인이 사찰에서 지켜야 할 예절
Unit 1. Meeting with Seunims 스님 친견
Unit 2. Manners to Observe When Meeting with Seunims 스님 친견 예절
Unit 3. “Hapjang” Etiquette 합장 예절
Unit 4. Life before Joining the Monastic Order 출가 전 생활
Unit 5. Serving a Meal to Seunims 식사 대접
Part 2 Buddhist Tenets 불교 교리와 수행
Chapter 1. The Life of the Buddha (Based on the Eight Major Events of the Buddha’ Life) 부처님의 생애
Unit 1. Descent from Tus4ita Heaven 도솔래의상
Unit 2. The Buddha’ Birth at Lumbini Grove 비람강생상
Unit 3. Four Encounters at the Palace Gates 사문유관상
Unit 4. The Renunciation of the Worldly Life 유성출가상
Unit 5. Asceticism in Snow-Covered Mountains 설산수도상
Unit 6. The Buddha’ Taming of Mara and Attainment of Enlightenment 수하항마상
Unit 7. The First Turning of Wheel at Deer Park 녹원전법상
Unit 8. Parinirvana under Two Sala Trees 쌍림열반상
Chapter 2. Teachings of Scriptures 경전의 가르침
Unit 1. Sutta Nipata 숫타니파타
Unit 2. Dhammapada 법구경
Chapter 3. Practices in Daily Life 일상의 수행
Unit 1. Practices at Seon (Zen) Centers 선원에서의 수행
1.1 Regulations of Monastic Life at Seon Centers 선원청규
1.2 Bangbu, a Procedure to Participate in a Seon Retreat 방부
1.3 Yongsangbang 용상방
1.4 Entering into Meditation, Coming out of Meditation, and
Walking Meditation 입선, 방선, 경행
1.5 Communal Work 운력
Unit 2. The Practices of Lay Buddhists 일반 불자들의 수행
2.1 First-Day Dharma Assemblies and Fifteenth-Day Dharma Assemblies; Avalokit?s´vara Day and Ks4 itigarbha Day; and Sunday Dharma Assemblies 초하루ㆍ보름법회, 관음ㆍ지장재일, 일요법회
2.2 The Thousand Hands Sutra, Dharma Service, “eonggun,” 108 Prostrations, and Sitting Meditation 천수경, 예불, 정근, 108배, 좌선
Part 3 The Temples and Culture of Korean Buddhism 한국 불교의 사찰과 문화
Chapter 1. Three Jewel Temples, Comprehensive Monastic Training Complex, and the 25 District Head Temples 삼보사찰, 총림, 25교구본사
Unit 1. Tongdo-sa, the Buddha Jewel Temple 불보사찰 통도사
Unit 2. Haein-sa, the Dharma Jewel Temple 법보사찰 해인사
Unit 3. Songgwang-sa, the Sangha Jewel Temple 승보사찰 송광사
Unit 4. Chongnim, Comprehensive Monastic Training Complex 총림
Unit 5. The Head Temples of the 25 Religious Districts of the Jogye Order 25교구본사
Chapter 2. Buddhist Art of Korea 한국의 불교미술
Unit 1. A Tree on the Cliff and a Wisteria Vine into the Well 안수정등도
Unit 2. Ten Ox-Herding Pictures 십우도
Unit 3. Dancheong 단청
Unit 4. Buddhist Altar Paintings 탱화
Unit 5. The Hand Gestures of Buddha Statues 불상의 수인
Appendix :Answers 문제 해답