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SNS 잉글리쉬 톡


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

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시중가격 12,800원
판매가격 11,520원
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최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • SNS 잉글리쉬 톡


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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    SNS 잉글리쉬 톡


    도서명:SNS 잉글리쉬 톡

    Chapter 01 Work & Career
    001 It’s now or never.
    002 I can feel it in my bones.
    003 You’ve got what they want.
    004 This project is my baby.
    005 I’m flat broke.
    006 Been there, done that.
    007 I’m in over my head.
    008 It’s a foot in the door.
    009 I’m not sweating it.
    010 YOLO(You Only Live Once)
    011 It was a close call.
    012 Working around the clock is a must to get ahead.
    013 I owe you a big one.
    014 I smell a rat.

    Chapter 02 Appearance
    015 You should call ahead for an appointment.
    016 How about bangs?
    017 I went a little too far…
    018 I couldn’t even recognize her!
    019 I can’t get rid of this backne.
    020 You’ve got to look the part.
    021 I have NOTHING to wear.
    022 You look fresh off the runway.
    023 Isn’t it too showy for the first date?
    024 I look like I just rolled out of bed.
    025 What’s your point?

    Chapter 03 Love
    026 Love is one thing and marriage is another.
    027 It’s not like I have a ring on my finger.
    028 She won’t give me the time of day.
    029 What’s with you lately?
    030 Pull yourself together.
    031 It was a total disaster!
    032 Epic fail
    033 It’s just not working.
    034 Friendship between men and women is impossible. Period.
    035 Two-timing is not my thing.
    036 I made a faux pas.
    037 He’s still hung up on his ex.

    Chapter 04 Health & Food
    038 Speak for yourself.
    039 He lives off ramen and soda.
    040 What exactly is that?
    041 I’m not sure what she’s into.
    042 What should I eat to up my stamina?
    043 I occasionally splurge on weekends.
    044 The meat was dry and the veggies were all mushy.
    045 Do they have any lo-cal options?
    046 My stomach is growling.
    047 What are you in the mood for?
    048 You’re hitting the gym pretty hard.
    049 My head is killing me.
    050 I’m quitting alcohol cold turkey!
    051 I tripped while texting and walking.
    052 My head feels foggy.
    053 Worry can make you sick.
    054 I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
    055 You’ll be back to normal in no time.

    Chapter 05 Relationships
    056 She’s driving me up the wall.
    057 I couldn’t believe my eyes!
    058 Just don’t screw this up.
    059 You’ve got it all wrong.
    060 He’s creeping me out
    061 He’s a total nightmare.
    062 I’ll make it up to you.
    063 Things just aren’t the same anymore.
    064 Let me get back to you later
    065 Your heart was in the right place.
    066 We have a love-hate relationship.

    Chapter 06 Tech
    067 My contract is up.
    068 Just give it a go!
    069 I’m having trouble figuring this thing out.
    070 This is my last resort.
    071 It’s gonna blow your mind!
    072 It’s revolutionized my life!
    073 It keeps turning off.
    074 I shrank my entire wardrobe.
    075 Who can keep track of all these ccessories?!

    Chapter 07 Leisure Activities
    076 Bored out of my mind.
    077 I haven’t gone anywhere in ages.
    078 He’s an athletic freak.
    079 I’m drawn to baking classes.
    080 Let’s get together more often.
    081 It was a waste of time.
    082 No wonder you’re so good at English!
    083 That’s my show!
    084 Just the thought of it makes me cringe.
    085 I feel like an entirely new person.
    086 Where is your sense of adventure?

    Chapter 08 Everyday Life and Problems
    087 What am I? Chopped liver?
    088 Cutting food waste helps Korea go greener.
    089 She never throws anything away.
    090 I got caught jaywalking.
    091 Just for kicks.
    092 I’m already regretting it.
    093 It’s like the 7th solid day of rain.
    094 Maybe he has some other issue.
    095 Guys, bundle up.
    096 Not in a million years.
    097 I had my fortune told.
    098 It cost me an arm and a leg.
    099 She’s a super haggler.
    100 I’ll have to eat and run.
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     ◆반품/교환은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내에만 가능합니다. 단, 상품이 훼손되지 않았거나, 속 비닐이 있는 경우 듣지 않았을    때 가능합니다.
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     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량 상품에 대해서는 고객센터로 연락주시면 상담 후 교환해 드립니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량상품의 배송비는 환불처에서 부담합니다.
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