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Global Capitalism and Culture in East ASIA


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  • Global Capitalism and Culture in East ASIA


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    Global Capitalism and Culture in East ASIA


    도서명:Global Capitalism and Culture in East ASIA

    Notes on Contributors

    Introduction Global Capitalism and Culture in East Asia
    _Jonghoe Yang and Hyun-Chin Lim
    1. Capitalism and Culture
    2. Capitalist Growth and Culture in East Asia
    3. The 1997 Economic Crisis and Global Capitalism
    4. Guide to Chapters

    PART 1 Theoretical and Methodological Orientation

    1 How to Study Capitalism in Asia?: A Theoretical and Methodological Consideration
    _Hyun-Chin Lim
    1. Asia on Rise
    2. Commonality and Diversity in Asia
    3. Explaining Capitalist Development in Asia
    4. How to Approach: Capitalism

    PART 2 Cultural Contradictions of East Asian Capitalism

    2 The Cultural Contradiction of State Neoliberalism in China
    _Alvin Y. So and Yin-Wah Chu
    1. Introduction
    2. The Cultural Contradiction of Capitalism in Advanced Industrial Countries
    3. The Making of Cultural Contradiction in Post-Socialist China
    4. The Manifestation of Cultural Contradiction: Moral Crisis in Chinese Society
    5. What then Accounts for the Burst of Moral Crisis in Post-Socialist China?
    State Neoliberalism and the Moral Crisis in Post-Socialist China
    6. Concluding Thoughts

    3 Making and Unmaking of a Developmental State: Institutional Innovation and Change of the Korean State
    _Myoungsoo Kim
    1. Introduction
    2. Making of the Korean Developmental State
    3. Sustaining of the Korean Developmental State
    4. Unmaking of the Korean Developmental State: Institutional Change
    5. Disenchanting the Sisyphean State and Making of a Viable State

    PART 3 Creative and Cultural Industries in Global East Asia

    4 Neoliberal Reform, Cultural Policy Changes, and the Transformation of Cultural Industries in South Korea
    _Jonghoe Yang
    1. Introduction
    2. Industrialization and Neoliberal Reform in Korea
    3. Changes in Cultural and Cultural Industries Policy
    4. Transformation of Cultural Industries
    5. Discussion

    5 Affective Labor, Creative Life and the Condition of Cognitive Capitalism: Considering Creative Industries in Japan
    _Yoshitaka M?ri
    1. The Age of Creative Industries?
    2. The Creative Industry in Japan: From METI’s Industrial Promotion Policy Perspective
    3. The Creative Industries as Ideological Production
    4. From Culture Industry to Creative Industries
    5. Globalization and Digital Technology
    6. Can Creative Workers of the World Unite?

    PART 4 Market and Business Culture in Ethnic Chinese Capitalism

    6 For Life or Death: Local Culture and State in Shaping Life Insurance Markets in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong
    _Cheris Shun-ching Chan
    1. Introduction
    2. Cultural Resistance to Risk Management Life Insurance
    3. The Emergence of Life Insurance Markets in Mainland China and Taiwan
    4. The Emergence of the Life Insurance Market in Hong Kong
    5. Conclusion: Culture, State, and Globalization

    7 Taishang in China and Southeast Asia: Culture and Politics of Taiwanese Transnational Capital
    _Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao
    1. Introduction
    2. Mode of Business Culture
    3. Mode of Risk-Coping
    4. Mode of Business-State Politics
    5. Mode of State Strategy
    6. Concluding Remarks

    PART 5 Social, Political and Cultural Consequences of Global Capitalism

    8 East Asian Rivalry, Digital Media and Proximate Enemies in Japan
    _Koichi Iwabuchi
    1. Introduction
    2. Intensifying Antagonism with China and South Korea
    3. China’s Economic Power and Japan’s Oriental Orientalism
    4. Anti-Korean Wave to Hate Speech against Resident Koreans
    5. From Cyber-right Wingers to Hate Speech Demonstrators
    6. Hunt for Proximate Enemies
    7. Beyond the Culture of Dislike

    9 A Silent Revolution in Malaysia: New Politics of Resistance in a Global Capitalist Age
    _Beng Lan Goh
    1. Introduction
    2. Inter-Asia Paradigms: The Revolutionary Promise of Tradition
    3. Islamization: The Politics of Tradition
    4. Trans-Cultural Cosmologies
    5. Art and Politics
    6. Conclusion

    10 Virtual Reality and Virtual Person
    _Hangsub Choi
    1. Phenomenon: Re-Emergence of the VR Technology
    2. The Virtual Reality Replacing the Reality
    3. Virtual Person From Artificial Intelligence To Artificial Emotion
    4. Virtual Person in the Lonely Society

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