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애슐리 쌤의 톡톡(Talk! Talk!) 영어회화: 비즈니스 편 > 영어회화/청취

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애슐리 쌤의 톡톡(Talk! Talk!) 영어회화: 비즈니스 편


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 잉글리쉬앤북스
원산지 국내산
브랜드 잉글리쉬앤북스
시중가격 13,000원
판매가격 11,700원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • 애슐리 쌤의 톡톡(Talk! Talk!) 영어회화: 비즈니스 편


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    상품 상세설명

    애슐리 쌤의 톡톡(Talk! Talk!) 영어회화: 비즈니스 편


    도서명:애슐리 쌤의 톡톡(Talk! Talk!) 영어회화: 비즈니스 편

    Chapter 1 Daily Routines
    Day 01 Old habits die hard. 11
    Day 02 I have the worst hangover ever. 14
    Day 03 I’ll have a decaf Americano and a salad. 17
    Day 04 I feel like a sardine. 20
    Day 05 I couldn’t sleep a wink. 23
    Chapter 1 Review 26

    Chapter 2 Introducing Myself and My Company
    Day 06 I am responsible for new product development. 29
    Day 07 I work as an accountant for ABC. 32
    Day 08 We are an electronics company based in Seoul. 35
    Day 09 Our main products are mobile phones. 38
    Day 10 We are in the label business. 41
    Chapter 2 Review 44

    Chapter 3 Telephone Communication
    Day 11 Can you talk right now? 47
    Day 12 I’ll get him to call you when he gets back. 50
    Day 13 Sorry. I can’t hear you very well. 53
    Day 14 You’ve got the wrong number. 56
    Day 15 Have we covered everything? 59
    Chapter 3 Review 62

    Chapter 4 Interview
    Day 16 What has been your biggest achievement to date? 65
    Day 17 I’ve been successful in sales so far. 68
    Day 18 I think I’d be a good fit for the company. 71
    Day 19 I got a bachelor’s degree in marketing. 74
    Day 20 I’m still getting my feet wet. 77
    Chapter 4 Review 80

    Chapter 5 Complaints
    Day 21 There’s been a snag with our order. 83
    Day 22 My connection has been repeatedly dropping. 86
    Day 23 You overcharged me by 300 dollars. 89
    Day 24 The line has been busy. 92
    Day 25 I was supposed to receive the product today. 95
    Chapter 5 Review 98

    Chapter 6 Follow-up
    Day 26 I’ll check with the person in charge. 101
    Day 27 I’ll connect you to the Billing Department. 104
    Day 28 I’ll look into the problem right away. 107
    Day 29 I do apologize. 110
    Day 30 We’ll give you a full refund. 113
    Chapter 6 Review 116

    Chapter 7 Making Appointments
    Day 31 Would it be possible to meet on Friday? 119
    Day 32 When would be convenient for you? 122
    Day 33 I have another engagement. 125
    Day 34 That suits me. 128
    Day 35 I’m glad to have this opportunity to meet with you. 131
    Chapter 7 Review 134

    Chapter 8 Meeting People
    Day 36 How are things? 137
    Day 37 I’m pleased to hear that. 140
    Day 38 That’s incredible! 143
    Day 39 That’s what I mean. 146
    Day 40 What brings you here? 149
    Chapter 8 Review 152

    Chapter 9 Socializing
    Day 41 This cake is to die for! 155
    Day 42 Do you want another drink? 158
    Day 43 I’ll have to take a rain check on that. 161
    Day 44 It costs an arm and a leg. 164
    Day 45 How was your flight? 167
    Chapter 9 Review 170

    Chapter 10 Presenting in front of People
    Day 46 Let’s have a look at this chart. 173
    Day 47 This graph shows that we achieved our goal. 176
    Day 48 I’d like to emphasize that the number of users is rising. 179
    Day 49 Please pay attention to the figures below. 182
    Day 50 Let me sum up what I’ve said so far. 185
    Chapter 10 Review 188
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