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Journey to Dreaming, Achieving and Returning(영문판) > 인물/자전적에세이

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Journey to Dreaming, Achieving and Returning(영문판)


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 어드북스
원산지 국내산
브랜드 어드북스
시중가격 15,000원
판매가격 13,500원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개
최대구매수량 999 개
  • Journey to Dreaming, Achieving and Returning(영문판)


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    상품 상세설명

    Journey to Dreaming, Achieving and Returning(영문판)


    도서명:Journey to Dreaming, Achieving and Returning(영문판)


    Chapter 1 : Learning of Love, Dreams, and Hardships
    Appearance on Earth
    The Roots of the Lee Family and the Downfall of the Joseon Dynasty
    Chosan in North Korea: Hometown of My Great-Grandfather
    Love of My Mother and My Great-Grandfather
    Elementary School Years: Love and Confidence
    Korean War and Civilian Casualties
    Loss of My Aunt and My House: Influence on My Life
    Junior High School: Challenges and Decisions
    First Turning Point in My Life: Choong-Ang High School in Seoul
    High School Years: Fending for Myself in Seoul
    High School Years: First Struggle to Enter College
    High School Years: More Struggles to Enter College
    The Blessing of God for My Journey of Life
    The Beginning of College Life: Mixed Feelings
    Majoring Biology for my Scientific Career: Vision for my Life
    The Dream I Had During my College Years
    Professor Ha Doo Bong and Choosing Physiology as My Major
    Memory of my Father
    Pursuing my Dream: Good News from Indiana University
    Sacrifice and Changes of My Family

    Chapter 2 : Learning About the New World
    Toward my Dream in America
    My First Year in the United States: Life in Indianapolis and My Introduction to Indiana University School of Medicine
    Marriage to Kwanghee Kim: $2 Wedding Ceremony
    My Research Adviser: Professor William McD. Armstrong
    Research Project for Ph.D. Work: Ion-selective Microelectrodes
    Professor William McD. Armstrong: A Mentor who was like a father to me
    Postdoctoral Research: Professor Fozzard’s Laboratory
    Moving to Chicago: The Birth of My Sons, Albert and Daniel

    Chapter 3 : The Challenges of Independent Research
    University of Chicago: Planning of Postdoctoral Research
    Louis N. Katz Prize for Young Investigators: Pioneering Work in Cardiac Electrophysiology
    Established Investigator Award: A Good Position for My Independent Research
    Seeking of Independent Research: Tenure-track Assistant Professor
    Professor Harry A. Fozzard: Great Influence on My Scientific Career

    Chapter 4 : New Chapter in My Life as a Professor
    Life as Professor and Scientist
    Assistant Professor at Cornell University Medical College
    Teaching Cardiac Electrophysiology to Medical Students
    Associate Professor and Tenure: Crucial Step in Scientific Career
    Scientific Meetings and Friends
    Pfizer Award for Outstanding Research-200 Years of Digitalis
    Professor at Cornell University: The Dream of My College Years
    Our Family in New York City: Albert and Daniel Go to School
    Goodbye, Chicago and Hello, New York City: My Second Hometown Invitation of My Mother to New York
    My Extended Family in America

    Chapter 5 : Big Changes and New Challenges in My Life
    An Opportunity to Work in My Motherland, Korea
    The First Chair of the Department of Life Sciences at POSTECH
    My Motherland, My Hometown, and My Ancestors: The Roots of My Spirit
    Good Times at POSTECH
    Difficulties at POSTECH: Culture of Korean People

    Chapter 6 : My Life at the Community of Tri-Institutes
    Rockefeller University: Visiting and Adjunct Professor
    Biophysical Society Annual Meeting: 43 Years of Membership
    The Second Generation of My Family: Albert, Hyejung, and Daniel
    The Third Generation of My Family: My Grandsons, Zach and Boden
    Retirement from POSTECH and Professor Emeritus
    Community of Rockefeller University
    Korean Scientists in the Tri-Institutional Community
    Activities of Korean Biomedical Scientists in New York City
    Tennis in New York City
    Central Park and My Life in New York City

    Chapter 7 : Pursuing a Direction in My Life to Open a New Chapter
    Returning My Debt of Gratitude to Indiana University
    Visit to Indiana 41 years later
    Peace on Earth! Make Earth Smile!
    Korean War and Tragedies
    Iraq War and Tragedies
    Visit to the Korean War Veterans Memorial
    Peace on this Planet: Visit to World Service Authority
    The Two Koreas Must Be Unified into One Free Nation in the Near Future
    Korea and the World are Looking Forward to a Truly Inspiring and Visionary Leader
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    배송업체 : 한진택배 (1588-0011)
     2,500원 (25,000원 이상 구매 시 무료 배송/일부상품제외) 군부대 및 도서산간 지역은 추가 배송비가 발생할 수 있습니다.
     : 평일 오전 7시 이전 주문 시 당일 발송 (2~3일 소요) : 단, 공휴일, 연휴, 천재지변 등으로 인해 발송이 지연될 수 있습니다.
     : 당일 발송건에 한해 익일 오전 9시 이후 확인 가능합니다.


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     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량 상품에 대해서는 고객센터로 연락주시면 상담 후 교환해 드립니다.
     ◆오배송, 파본, 불량상품의 배송비는 환불처에서 부담합니다.
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